Our state’s health care workers provide vital services to the community. They should receive fair treatment from their employers. However, hospitals and other employers in the medical sector will often infringe on their employees’ rights. …
Can New Jersey Employers Avoid Paying Minimum Wage?
As of 2020, New Jersey’s minimum wage is $11.00 for most employers. Each year, it will increase a dollar until it maxes out at $15.00 an hour on January 1, 2024. However, the law has …
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Common Employer Defenses to Harassment & Discrimination Claims
When an employee alleges they have been the victim of harassment or discrimination, they can expect their employer to mount a vigorous defense. These companies have their own lawyers who will do their best to …
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Federal vs. State Employment Laws
The United States has a federal system of government. This means that both states and the federal government regulate many types of activity, including commercial activity. Often, there are two sets of laws when it …
Is Nepotism Legal in New Jersey?
Nothing is worse than working hard at a job only to see the boss promote his child, niece, or nephew. The same is true of applying for your dream job, only to watch helplessly as …
What Protections Do Autistic Employees Have in New Jersey?
According to the Autism Society, over 3.5 million people have been diagnosed with an autism spectrum disorder, and the numbers continue to grow. Indeed, autism is the fasted growing developmental disability disorder, which increased by …
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