Increasing numbers of workers are working remotely, often at home offices while their employer is hundreds of miles (or even further) away. Remote work opportunities allow employers to tap a talented workforce instead of having …
Writer Misclassification in New Jersey
In today’s “gig economy,” many people work as independent contractors, and they have no right to unemployment insurance, workers’ compensation benefits, or overtime pay. They also must pay all their Social Security taxes, which is …
What You Need to Know about Hostile Work Environments
Everyone has a legal right to be free of harassment at work. Unfortunately, some workplaces are so hostile and oppressive that it becomes very difficult for someone to do their job. At that point, both …
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What Interview Questions Are Illegal?
Federal and state laws prohibit discrimination in all aspects of employment, and this includes the interview stage. For this reason, employers are tightly regulated in what questions they can ask—and what questions are off limits. …
Have You Been the Victim of Age Discrimination?
Both federal and state laws prohibit discrimination in the workplace. One form of discrimination that is flatly illegal is age discrimination, which seems to be becoming more prevalent as the American population ages. If you …
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Workplace Dating and Power Imbalance in New Jersey
Americans spend increasing amounts of time at work. For this reason, it isn’t surprising that many people look to work when trying to find a date. But dating at work is rife with legal problems, …
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